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26 November, 2004 - 10:04 a.m.

Let me see if I can do a short catch up:

Oct was 3 weeks of travel 2 1/2 of them desert camping and sea kayaking in Baja, Mexico and the Sea of Cortez. It was with an old friend, Jared and his family. It was stark, hot days and chilly nights, beautiful skies with awesome cloud formations, rugged land, dry drt air, clear blue seas with sea mammals, primitive and quite the adventure. The adventure within the adventure was the drive home afterwards as rains hit. Baha usually gets 3 inches of rain a year - well it got it ALL while we were trying to get home. That meant mud everywhere with the road washed out in some areas - the drive home was more an adventure in stress than the 2 weeks living on the land.

We packed in most of our food and caught our dinner every night, preparing it on the beach. The night was full of stars and one man on the trip was an astonomer so we all got night sky lessons. But nights were chilly and we were usually in bed by 8pm. Of course at sunrise the gulls would wake everyone with their hollering... worse then roosters. There was no fresh water other than what we carried in. Ultimately this was why our trip ended - we ran out of water. By then the winds had picked up too. We just had no idea at the time how much weather was coming. So it is good we left the islands when we did.

Now I prepare for my next adventure in the Yucatan Pennisula of Mexico. Time for some scube diving and ruin exploration. This is a reward for...

are you sitting down....

WINNING a fitness/body transformation challenge. Yup, I did and am still doing Body for Life. And I won a nice bit of money and stuff. My pictures are even on the website. Not that I ever intended to have people see me looking like that but 'before' pictures are an essential part of how to motivate and inspire others. Check out: Body for Life

One of the biggest parts of this win was keeping a 12 week promises to MYSELF for myself. It has been a long time and most people, esp women, tend to put everything before themselves then wonder why the feel like shit and are run into the ground. My divorce left me feeling this way - this program has put me back on my feet.

Insight: It is better to have loved and lost than to be with the psycho the rest of your life!

I leave tomorrow. Finally and for the first time in years, I feel ok about wearing a bikini. Better yet is that I am fitter than I have been in decades. My strength has increased by 200% and my cardio is better than ever. I have energy again.

More soon.

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