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02 June, 2005 - 9:30 a.m.

It is June already!
June promises to be a busy month.

I have begun Body for Life again as I did not hold to the well (not)established patterns I set up last year. They held for about 6 months and then I succumbed to the nasty grey cold dreariness of winter and ate all the comfort foods I wanted.... and then some. Now I desire access to my entire wardrobe AND a certain amount of consistant energy and endurance.

The best news is that I have managed to maintain being ENTIRELY migraine free for the last 6 months. That means NONE!(For those that recall the painful neuropathy that ransacked my body for 7 years - that cleared up with the dissolution of my marriage.) No more injections. No more drugs. No more hours and days lost in a blur of pain. Truely I am blessed!!!!

I am painting. Still. Almost anything I come across. Selling it too which is gratifying. Just finished some lovely walls that I tissue-papered.... a very cool effect. And still doing rocks.

A girlfriend gave me a digital camera for my birthday so I should be able to post pictures again soon.

I am an Office manager now also. Only 3 days a week. Learning new computer programs and dealing with a variety of people. This will balance out the amount of time I spend relatively alone painting.

Between the new job, working out and visiting friends, etc. my June already feels full. Then there is all that daily stuff like the laundry, cleaning, mending, cooking, garden, computer time, etc. that must be dealt with........ I need to be not just caught up but ahead by month's end as I my July is already booked solid!

But it IS all good and I AM looking forward to it. Life is good.... calm and mostly happy.

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